Partnering for Conservation: Your Trusted DNR Cost Share Contractor

DNR Cost Share Contractor Services

What is a DNR cost share contractor?

As a Washington state Department of Natural Resources cost share contractor we are able to provide our services to you with the DNR providing you financial assistance, if approved.

The program focuses on wildfire mitigation and forest health. By providing financial assistance and forest management plans to qualifying landowners.

Who is eligible for financial assistance?

The program is available to non-federal owners of forestland who own less than 5,000 forested acres in Washington state.

The process to obtain financial assistance:

  • Apply for a consultation with the WA state DNR

  • Schedule and attend consultation

  • Receive approval for financial assistance and amount you’re approved for

  • Schedule site-viewing with us, and receive our quote

  • Agree to terms, and we’ll begin our work

How to apply for financial assistance:

Visit the Department of Natural Resources website: https://www.dnr.wa.gov/cost-share